Section: Dissemination

Theses and Internships

Theses defenses

  • Yassin Refahi, "Multiscale modelling of Arabidopsis thaliana phyllotaxis perturbation", Montpellier 2 University; November, 15th 2011 [11] .

Ongoing Theses

  • Anaëlle Dambreville, "Determinants and modelling of mango phenology: interactions between structural and temporal components in a branching structure and temperature effect", Montpellier 2 University. Supervised by: F. Normand, Y. Guédon.

  • Pierre Fernique, "Hidden transition models for the phenotyping of plant architecture in relation to environmental and genetic factors", Montpellier 2 University. Supervised by: Y. Guédon, J.-B. Durand.

  • Jonathan Legrand, "Hormon signaling and control of morphogenesis during flower development", ENS Lyon. Supervised by: P. Das, Y. Guédon.

  • Maryline Lièvre, "Analysis and multiscale modelling of foliar growh in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to environmental stresses. Implication of the floral transition in the foliar expansion", Montpellier 2 University. Supervised by: C. Granier, Y. Guédon.

  • Chakkrit Preuksakarn, "Digitizing and assessing virtual architectural models of growing plants", Montpellier 2 University. Supervised by: C. Godin, F. Boudon.

  • Jean Peyhardi, "Markov and semi-Markov switching generalized linear mixed models applied to the analysis of plant architecture in relation to environmental and genetic factors", Montpellier 2 University. Supervised by: C. Trottier, Y. Guédon.


  • Pierre Fernique (Montpellier 2 University), "Modelling branching properties of plants using multi-type branching processes".